Opening date: January 27, 2022 – 12:00 PM CET
Closing date: March 30, 2022 – 17:00 PM CET
Apply here and now: TruBlo Open Call #3
Describe your early stage idea for “trusted content on future blockchains”. On this page you will find all needed information, documents for participation, including a link to the F6S platform where applications will be managed.

Trust is essential to societies. But currently an increasing amount of disinformation makes it difficult to trust information in our multiple daily interactions.
- How could we use scalable blockchain technology for new protocols, apps, solutions or platforms?
- How could we combine blockchain and content to ensure trustworthy and reliable content?
The objective of the TruBlo Open Call No. 3 is to invite academic teams, researchers, SMEs and startups to define and implement small scale research projects on one of the two topics:
- Trust and reputation models on blockchains
This focus area targets innovative applications, technologies, technical approaches and methodologies that increase the level of trust in blockchain-based information exchange, with emphasis on user generated content on the internet and social media, considering also data from IoT (Internet of things) infrastructures.
- Proof-of-validity and proof-of-location
This focus area aims to find innovative mechanisms to increase transparency and trustworthiness of user generated genuine content. For example: How could users, being part of a blockchain, add or apply additional verification mechanisms to increase transparency, validity and high level of trustworthiness, such as Proof-of-Location and Proof-of Validity? Such applications will be disseminated through the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO).
Phase 1: Innovation (9 months)
Up to 20 projects will be selected in the innovation phase to develop their proposed project and prepare a publication (whitepaper or scientific article) describing their solution.
- R&D activities from concept to validation
- Participation in TruBlo kick-off bootcamp, webinars, etc.
- Presentation/sharing results to community
- Open software/ hardware
- At least one scientific publication
Expected results and Deliverables
These expected results must be concreted in the below deliverables:
9 months
- Total funding of up to €75,000 for the innovation phase
Distributed over sprints of 3 months each (Confirmation 30%, sprint 1: 20%; Sprint 2: 30%; Sprint 3: 20%) and according to the achievement of specific defined milestones/ objectives and participation in TruBlo events/ bootcamps.
Phase 2: Progress (6 months)
A subset of four projects from Phase 1 from Open Call #3 will be selected to further develop activities associated with the demonstration/ piloting as well as promotion and exploitation of their project, building an MVP as demonstrator and aiming to engage new customers and/or partners and/or investors.
- Build synergies and have cross-collaboration activities with other projects and/or stakeholders
- Create a Proof of Concept and Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Validation of MVP in a specific environment (preferably in Alastria infrastructure and/or EDMO infrastructure but not obligatory for the participating teams)
- Work together with potential users / customers (early adopters)
- Participate in knowledge transfer events organised by TruBlo Consortium
Expected results and Deliverables
- MVP in form of a prototype / demonstrator
- Demonstration of developed solution with users / customers
- Collection of insights and assessment report
- Business Model Canvas
- White paper detailing the technical aspects of the MVP along with an analysis of future potential and impact
- Scientific publications and jointly authored publications with other teams (optional result).
These expected results must be concreted in the below deliverables:
- D2.1 Detailed Development Plan
- D2.2 Detailed Development Plan Monitoring
- D2.3 Validation Plan
- D2.4 Final report of MVP
- D2.5 Demonstration of developed solution with users
- D2.6 White paper
D2.7 Business Plan
6 months
- Total funding of up to €100,000 (in addition to the funding from the innovation phase).
Distributed over two sprints of three months each and according to the achievement of specific defined milestones/ objectives and participation in TruBlo events/ bootcamps (Validation & Pitch: 30%, Delivery plan in sprint 1: 20%; Mentor Meeting in Sprint 2: 50%)
In two open calls so far TruBlo already funded 25 projects. Read about the many ways to work towards trustable content using blockchain technology.
Two steps to getting there: First download the documents and read them. Secondly, click on the “Apply” button below. The application process is handled through the platform of F6S, who are a partner of the TruBlo project.
Step 1: Download documents
Below are two download links, please click on both:
TruBlo Proposal Description Template
(.zip file will open as Word, .doc)
All other documents
(forms, guides folder with a number of .pdfs)
Checklist: List of documents
- TruBlo OC3 Overview (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 1: Guide for Applicants (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 2.1: TruBlo Proposal description (Word)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex2.2: Additional Applicant(s) template (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 3: Declaration of Honour (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 4: SME Declaration (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 5: Team Declaration of Honour (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 6: Sub-grant Agreement (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annex 7: Bank Account Information (PDF)
- TruBlo OC3 Annes 8: Template for H2020 Financial Support to Third Parties (PDF)
Step 2: Apply on the F6S page
In the second step click on the “Apply” button below to get to the dedicated TruBlo page on the F6S platform. There you can register and then upload the completed documents you just downloaded.
It is possible to start an application and finish the entire process step-by-step.
Should you have any problems, contact us.
The target audience of TruBlo Open Call #3 are researchers, innovators and developers. Applications are possible either as a natural person(s) from academia or as a team from high tech companies including SMEs. Persons and organisations must be established in an EU Member State. Additionally, applicants can come from H2020 associated countries or Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States.

Support from the consortium
TruBlo provides a unique and competitive mixture of support services for the funded parties. The offering includes technical support services, Business and Innovation Support as well as Technical Knowledge Support.
Technical Support Service (TESS)
Alastria is part of a non-profit association promoting the Digital Economy through the development of decentralized technologies/blockchain.
Alastria will provide blockchain infrastructure to the funded companies – helping to test and scale innovations quickly, with support from an experienced organisation.
The Alastria network is currently able to manage transactions at a high frequency, obtaining blockx with mor than 1000 tx and a throughput of ca. 1000tx/s.
Business and Innovation Support Services (BISS)
These services will be provided to funded companies to facilitate and enhance innovation. The focus is on further developing innovative prototypes and applications for distributed trust. How can the business applicability be enhanced? Included in this offer is feedback on the innovation and fine-tuning and business modelling. Another element is the a “Talk to users” Hotline, meaning that funded companies can pitch their ideas to potential users and receive deeper insights this way.
Technical Knowledge Support & Training (TEKSUS)
A package of services to answer technical questions, provide scientific content and advice on demand. To this end TruBlo will create a Learning Management System (LMS), for use by the funded teams.The platform will incldude a library, forum and chat for digital exchange.
The offering includes mentoring to solve technical challenges, background and baseline knowledge to support the innovations.
Another element is technical coordination, to ensure that the thematic and technical coordination of the projects is optimised.
Contact us
We are looking forward to work with smart people and discuss your ideas. If anything is unclear, do not hesitate to get in touch.