Empower landowners, food producers, and activists to accurately self-report impact reports

Project Description

In the face of catastrophic climate changes and the European Union’s stated ambition in The EU Green Deal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, any solutions we build must accelerate through collaboration and dissemination of the potential for climate neutrality.

Open innovation and digital transformation in the landscape, agriculture, forestry and marine sectors can accelerate meaningful, measurable and holistic climate-positive actions. The future of food, the livelihood of food producers and the effective climate neutrality of food production is predicated on empowering the value chain with information and connectedness.

The Crowd Field Companion project seeks to achieve such acceleration and to distribute benefits throughout the value chain, rewarding the smallest and largest actors who take their share of responsibility.

Affording stakeholders along the holistic value chain access to qualitative and quantitative data points and metadata relating to locations, processes, products and objects or things in the food system is key to a progressive future food system. The extra challenge is to provide trust and reputation models on the blockchain.

With the Crowd Field Companion project, we do this for human and computationally resourced input across the food value chain in an open process of parallel innovation discovery.

This added layer, powered by mobile-edge and 5G, empowers landowners, food producers, and climate activists to accurately and verifiable self-report impact, on location-based resources, in close to real-time and to create with them a reputation score for themselves, their digitised data, their land, produce and processes.

The digital twin problems of data integrity, proof-of-location, and anomaly detection combine to enable the parallel tracking of self-reported data entry by reputation-graded human actors within the supply chain.


Crowd Field Companion is where smart farming meets smart logistics:

The CFC project offers an onboarding methodology for smart farmers and smart logistic operators into a reputation-based agri-food co-creation environment. This environment offers opportunities for emerging technologies and scientific knowledge to experiment with industry experts and field-test new information systems to provide climate-smart reputation scores for provenance and practice.

The project will host open innovation field workshops in collaboration with Smart Agri-Tech and Smart Logistics Hubs in Ireland and Spain.

Living Lab partner events: October 2022 (tentative)

  • Ireland: Agri-tech cluster; IOT Lab, MTU, Agri-tech Dept. NUIG, Blockchain Lab, Atlantic University,
  • Spain: Winecreators Project, Tarragona; Generalitat, Salou; URV

Industry events (confirmed):

  • Cool Logistics Global (Barcelona, Sept. 22)
  • Democracy 4 All (Barcelona, Nov. 22)

Workshops will take place in the later stage of 2022 and will include demonstrations and applied labs where training, orientation, field testing and new data products and services may be scoped. These workshops will be open to the smart-farming and smart-logistics industry and research stakeholders who wish to explore potential roles for blockchain and DLT in their work.


Project leadership:

Fiona Delaney (CEO @ OriginChain; Member: Agri-tech Cluster, Winecreators)


Genevieve Leveille (CEO AgriLedger; Co-founder: The Green Hedge, Member: Winecreators)

Collaboration associates:

Blockchain experience

Project leaders Origin Chain and Agriledger are expert blockchain service providers in the agri-tech and agri-food sectors.

Open resources to be deployed include open innovation methodologies and recognised DLT use case modelling techniques (ISO TS23257:2022 Reference Architecture; ISO TR3242:2022 Blockchain and DLT use cases; ISO DTR6277 Data flow model for DLT use cases)

We implement an exploratory multi-chain solution utilising open Alastria network and mobile interface resources, supporting interfaces with the Corda DApp for AgriLedger and deploying an NFT publishing interface to open public networks including Ethereum, and other EVM compatible chains such as Polygon, Aave, Cardano.

The technical resources implemented here are known and standardised IOT, mobile and open software development frameworks.

The Crowd-Field Companion innovation is in the parallel process modelling across two cohorts – smart farmers and smart logistics, to accelerate the learning and implementing novel reputation-making systems on DLT in the food value chain.

Smart farming: field data collection (process, location, impact), self-sovereign identity wallet, reputation score and reward scheme for longitudinal, consistent data contributions.

Smart Logistics: IOT, edge and autonomous system integration and reputation score for post-fact record-keeping and early warning prediction, identity wallet, reputation score and reward scheme for longitudinal, consistent data contributions.