Truth and Trust Online Conference 2020

The Conference for Truth and Trust Online (TTO 2020) assembles stakeholders that care about “improving the truthfulness and trustworthiness of online communications”.

When: October 16th & 17th
Where: The Internet (virtual event)

Why it matters:
The Conference for Truth and Trust Online (TTO 2020) assembles stakeholders that care about “improving the truthfulness and trustworthiness of online communications”. This includes media scholars, journalists, activists, or industry representatives. Talks and sessions deal with all kinds of social media and information problems – and potential countermeasures.

Who is there?
Trust in online media/news is one of our core topics in many research projects. Especially when it comes to the narrower field of verification, fact checking, and countering false information.

At TTO 2020, Ruben Bouwmeesterand Patrick Aichroth (Fraunhofer IDMT)  will discuss Deepfakes detection, or more specifically: the ongoing Google DNI project Digger, which is about detecting manipulated and synthetic media with the help of audio forensics technology. The talk will have a focus on “the challenges of transferring scientific expertise into the media domain, making it intelligible and usable to non-forensics experts, and the importance of adopting a ‘falsification culture’ for media”. 

To learn more about the event and register as a participant, go to

10. November 2020

Written by Webmaster

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