SettleMint provides a simpler, faster option to get started with blockchain

The company from Belgium offers a low-code platform providing all the components needed for blockchain projects - including nodes, protocols and templates for smart contracts as well as an Integration Studio.

Many companies and organisations would really like to get started with blockchain projects, either to gain know-how or to expand their business. But two factors are blockers right now. First, there is a need for experiments to gain insights into how an existing business – for example an art gallery – could actually benefit. Secondly, there is a severe scarcity of blockchain developers. The lack of resources keeps many from early experiments and real innovation work.

A feature-rich platform to get started 

Settlemint, a company from Belgium, wants to change this. They have created a low code platform that promises to provide a fast way to “build, launch, integrate and monitor blockchain implementations with a low-code environment”. 

The platform Settlemint has developed offers support for multiple cloud services (Google, AWS and Azure) and allows for the selection of a suitable blockchain protocol. Users can choose between Enterprise Ethereum, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Tezos and Polygon. According to the founders, almost 95% of all current use cases can be started with one of these protocols. With this background, even projects in an early stage will find the right chain, based on the needs and demands of a particular project.

The core: Adapting smart contract to a business logic

In many projects, it is the option to include smart contracts for certain workflows which is the new element of doing business. Here Settlemint can support a quick start through a number of pre-built smart contract templates, which can be adapted, based on the business logic of the client. All of the templates can be accessed at the code level so that developers can change and adapt based on a particular client’s needs.

Instead of having to self-develop clients can use a visual dashboard to drag and drop applications together, based on a library of prebuilt integration modules. 

Integration Studio. Source: Settlemint.

Additional services are a special backend solution to generate GraphQL APIs for data to be used in a given project. There is a Graph Middleware to connect applications. Finally, a monitoring tool enables the analysis of test runs, or to check on deployments for extensions and maintenance.. 

Like Lego for blockchain

“Settlemint was basically like Lego for us”, is what one client said about the experience with the platform. Settlemint was founded in 2016 and currently has a team of currently 45 people working. So far the company has already completed more than 50 Enterprise blockchain implementations. “We strongly believe that blockchain is the technology that will change our society, revolutionize our global economy and disrupt our industry”, says  Matthew Van Niekerk,  a founder & the CEO of SettleMint.

The focus of projects includes set-ups for NFT platforms or solutions for certain industries, such as banking, insurance, supply-chain management, food and beverage and logistics as well as use cases in energy or healthcare.

Visual of Settlemint Blockchain Monitoring Tools

Monitoring Dashboard. Source: Settlemint

A sign of maturity is that on the homepage Settlemint offers a very simple way to calculate monthly prices for a given blockchain/cloud project – potentially clients can calculate themselves or get assistance from specialists. The question “How much does it cost?” seems to be a very frequent inquiry, with the calculator one can define a range. All resources are scalable, they can be extended with usage over time. 

More information

For companies interested in trying out Settlemint, there is a 25-minute demo video where the CEO provides a walk-through of how the platform works. The demo is comprehensive and shows the platform in action – it really is quite simple to get started. Single users or teams can register for a free trial test of the low code platform on


17. March 2022

Written by Mirko Lorenz

Mirko Lorenz, Innovation Manager Research and Cooperation team at Deutsche Welle. More: DW Innovation

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