TruBlo Open Call #1: Next steps and selection process overview

The application period for the TruBlo open call #1 has ended. What are the next steps? When will the proposals be evaluated? This text provides all info for these questions.

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TruBlo Open Call #1: Evaluation timeline for proposals

Timeline of TruBlo Open Call evaluation - the evaluation period is from March 30 to April 19. Results will be announced between April 25 and April 30, 2021.

Timeline of TruBlo evaluation process for Open Call #1

Evaluation process

  • 19.03.2021: Deadline for proposals for the open call
  • 30.03 – 19.4.2021: Each proposal is reviewed by two independent evaluators. The project took extra care in the selection process, e.g. by randomizing the assignments of the evaluators. Further the project ensured that evaluators will review a project from their own country, as an additional measure
  • 20.04.2021: Consensus meeting. This means that the evaluation results for each proposal from two evaluators are compared. A final score is applied to each proposal.
  • 21.04.2021 – 27.04.2021: The creators of the top graded proposals are contacted, in order to create a final ranking.
  • 28.04.2021 – 30.04.2021: Final results of open call #1 are announced

The selected projects – 10 for open call #1 – will be contacted directly.

Questions or inquiries: 

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

9. April 2021

Written by Mirko Lorenz

Mirko Lorenz, Innovation Manager Research and Cooperation team at Deutsche Welle. More: DW Innovation

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