Webinar: How to apply to the TruBlo Open Call #2

This video provides all the details needed to apply.

This is the recording of the online workshop for all teams interested in applying to the TruBlo open call #2. The deadline for applications is September 10, 2021.


  • Overview and goals of the project (Worldline)
  • Overview regarding the scientific expectations (ICCS)
  • How to apply (F6S)
  • Technical support services (Alastria)
  • Business support services (Athens Technology Center)


Video Recording – Webinar for TrubBloOpen Call #2


A PDF of all presentations used in the webinar.

Full.2021.07.15 TruBloCall InfoWebinar.pptx

The webinar was held on July 15, 2021.

19. July 2021

Written by Mirko Lorenz

Mirko Lorenz, Innovation Manager Research and Cooperation team at Deutsche Welle. More: DW Innovation

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