Event: How to apply to TruBlo Open Call 3

Event: How to apply to TruBlo Open Call 3

Please join on February 8, 202, 11-12 am, for an info session on how to apply for TruBlo open call. TruBlo offers an opportunity to fund your early-stage idea for trustable content on future blockchains. The event is organized by Berlin Partner, in collaboration with Cluster ICT|Media|Creative Industries and the Enterprise Europe Network.

Up to €175.000 of equity-free funding per project

Target groups are researchers, innovators, developers from academia, startups, high tech companies or natural persons. Selected participants can get up to 175.000 euros for their project. The total available amount of funding is 4,2 million euros. The call will be opened January 27 and closed March 30, 2022.

TruBlo has defined two topics for selectable ideas:

  • Trust and reputation models on blockchains
  • Proof-of-validity and proof-of-location

25 examples

To see examples of projects which already got funding, please check the “funded projects” section on the TruBlo website. In total 25 projects have already received funding. Examples are a project called TrustCad, aiming to build a digital version of a land registry. Or take Moncon, who want to provide a trustable system to enable micropayments for content.

Besides the introduction to the project and the open call, you will get the chance to get some insides from a successful applicant from one of the previous calls (Mirko Ross, ASVIN GmbH). In TruBlo the company got funding for a project called D-SBOM, which will explore a digital bill of materials for IoT devices.

Even if it is a digital event we would like to have some interaction between the participants. Thus, we do offer up to seven participants the possibility to present themselves and your company within two minutes in front of the audience. If you would like to pitch your idea/project, please get in contact with the organizer February 4, 2022 the latest (first come – first serve).

Please register by February 6, 2022 on the website of Berlin Partner, who is organising the event together with TruBlo:

The event will be held in English.

How newsrooms fight disinformation – a Q&A with two experts

How newsrooms fight disinformation – a Q&A with two experts


How newsrooms fight disinformation
Q&A with Julia Bayer and Ruben Bouwmeester, DW Research and Cooperation projects

Tuesday, December 14 • 12:00-13:00 CET • via Zoom

How do journalists work against mis- and disinformation? What are the workflows for the verification of content? What are the main challenges for newsrooms? And: What do the experts expect from future blockchain solutions? To get answers and insights please join us for an open webinar on December 14, 2021, from 12:00 – 13:00. 

Join us as a guest

The event is organised for the now 25 funded project teams of TruBlo. But participation is open for guests from the NGI community, EU researchers, startups and developers. If you want to join as a guest please contact us at support@trublo.eu and we sent you the log-in credentials for the Zoom conference. 

The experts will give a very brief overview, the session will then allow for Q&A by the participants.

What we discuss:

  • How do journalists cope with disinformation?
  • What are the workflows?
  • Is there a way to overcome the current crisis of trust?
  • What tools are available and working?
  • What are current views on blockchain technology used for trustable content?

As part of the talk, the experts will talk about tools created to fight disinformation and to help with verification. Examples are the InVid verification plug-in, work done in the EU research project Digger (Deepfake detection) and Truly Media. The latter is a software platform for collaborative verification. Truly Media is used by a number of organisations, e.g. Amnesty International, Reuters, ZDF and the European Parliament.

Link: https://www.truly.media

Our experts:

Julia Bayer is an investigative journalist who dives deep online using OSINT. She has gained first-hand experience from work in the social media team of Deutsche Welle. In addition, she works as an innovation manager of the Research- and Cooperation team of Deutsche Welle. Julia is involved in a number of verification projects, such as the implementation of Truly Media and InVid. She also trains journalists in OSINT techniques and digital verification. Julia has worked with journalists in multiple international locations and has worked with newsrooms, NGOs and DW academy. Julia is the founder of @quiztime on Twitter, where a worldwide community of participants regularly has to solve verification and geolocation tasks.

Twitter: @bayer_julia

Ruben Bouwmeester brings concept development skills and profound graphical expertise. In his role as an innovation manager, Ruben was a key contributor to several software solutions and platforms used for the detection of disinformation and deep fakes. Ruben has been a key architect and manager for Truly Media, a collaboration platform created by the DW ReCo team in collaboration with Athens Technology Center. He has a background in project management, concept development, and design, holding a B.A. from The Hague University. As a ReCo innovation manager, Ruben specialises in User Generated Content (UGC), verification, and HLT. He also trained journalists at DW Akademie.

Twitter: @rubybouw

Webinar: How to apply to the TruBlo Open Call #2

Webinar: How to apply to the TruBlo Open Call #2

This is the recording of the online workshop for all teams interested in applying to the TruBlo open call #2. The deadline for applications is September 10, 2021.


  • Overview and goals of the project (Worldline)
  • Overview regarding the scientific expectations (ICCS)
  • How to apply (F6S)
  • Technical support services (Alastria)
  • Business support services (Athens Technology Center)


Video Recording – Webinar for TrubBloOpen Call #2


A PDF of all presentations used in the webinar.

Full.2021.07.15 TruBloCall InfoWebinar.pptx

The webinar was held on July 15, 2021.

TruBlo Newsletter #20

TruBlo Newsletter #20

TruBlo Project Update

This week was kick-off week. The TruBlo consortium met representatives of all ten projects selected for funding in Open Call #1. All teams will receive funding, as well as technical and business support, in the next six months.

* Alastria offers a scalable infrastructure to initiate, test, launch and scale blockchain projects.
* ATC, ICCS/NTUA (and partially Deutsche Welle) will provide business model support.

Links to all 10 open call #1 projects:
  • BlockTrust – Reputation management for science.
  • FogBlock4Trust – A fog assisted, blockchain based credential management solution.
  • FAKE – To evaluate news items producers as well as content generated by users.
  • CONTOUR Trusted content for tourism market purposes.
  • LedgeAIR – Reliable data from aircraft, combined with blockchain storage for trust.
  • ShoppEX – A better, trustable shopping experience – by enabling more information about products and production background
  • TRUSTMEDICOS – Creating trust in healthcare info in social networks.
  • TSC – Truth Seekers Chain
  • Trust and Reputation – Focus is on the circular economy and reliable info about recycled items.
  • NPRO  NPRO aims to improve the quality of reputational information in high-trust service markets.

Updates this week


Worldcoin wants to distribute digital money to everyone, based on biometric scanning

Worldcoin is a new US startup, with financial backing from VC firm A16z and Coinbase. Among the founders is Sam Altman, the former head of YCombinator, a very successful incubation platform – which is why the project gets considerable attention. The idea of Worldcoin is to work towards global financial inclusion, to provide digital financial services to everyone. For identification, the company has developed its own hardware, a camera-like device to scan the iris of a user.


German identity service ID Now buys French competitor

For onboarding, many services and subscriptions demand a digital verification process. As a result, platforms offering digital identification services are in demand. This now leads to consolidation in the market. Example: German startup [IDnow](https://www.idnow.io) will acquire the French platform [ARIADNEXT](https://www.ariadnext.com) for €50m ($59m). The motivation is to be present in more markets with an extended number of services, eventually in one combined platform.


How blockchain could help to bring trust to used car sales

Buying a used car today is riddled with uncertainties: Paper records do not reliable tell about repairs, hidden accidents or even total mileage. In Germany, it is a known problem that it is relatively easy to reduce the mileage of a luxury car by 20K or even 30k kilometres, then asking a higher price. Storing vehicle information on a blockchain could solve this problem.



Neeva, a new search engine, promises ad-free search but will need a subscription

How would a search results page look without any advertising? This is the question Neeva will explore as a business. The venture was founded by two ex-Google executives with deep knowledge about the search engine market. The company is readying for a July launch, but won’t be available in all world regions, at least at the start. It is currently possible to line up for early access. Neeva will allow a free try-out period of three months and plans to then charge $4.95 per month. The new search offering has secured $77.5 million in funding.

More background

Global spending for mobile apps reached a new record of $65 billion, in the first six months of 2021

Across all smartphone platforms, this represents an increase of 24%, compared to last year, says a release of preliminary data from Sensor Tower.

  • Spending on the **App Store by Apple** is projected to reach $41.5 billion for the first half-year of 2021. This number includes in-app purchases, subscriptions, premium apps and games.
  • In relation, this is about 1.8 times the amount spent on the rival **Google Play** platform, which is estimated to reach $23.4 billion.


Social token platform Coinvise receives $2.5 million VC money

The platform enables users to “create, earn and collect” social tokens. Social tokens are a recurring topic, there is a hope for better interactions plus the idea to monetize fan groups for music, movies or other creative areas. No clear winner yet, but interesting. Note that besides Coinvise there are a number of competitors in this field – check them out by opening the links below.

It is an interesting field. For example, music bands can create communities with their fans. Or, in a wider context, positive actions and the support of others could be rewarded.



Combining green smart contracts and ‘oracles’ could help to reach climate goals.

The energy consumption of blockchain has been discussed extensively this year. Tesla first said they would accept Bitcoin as payment, then retracted that offer weeks later because of concerns about the environmental issues, specifically of energy-intensive Bitcoin mining.

Others pointed out: The existing global banking system uses a lot of energy, too. In part, because extensive IT systems are needed to channel money from one country to another and so on. Gold mining, too, leaves a huge footprint.

This is the article linked below is worth reading: It argues that the combination of “green” smart contracts with a nascent technology called ‘oracles’ could evolve into a tool to reduce energy consumption and help to reach climate goals. The big promise here is a new level of efficiency. Reaching higher trust and transparency of production chains is a key motivation.


Banks look at blockchain to save costs with bonds

Handling long term debt in bonds results in costs. Using blockchain data storage and smart contracts could result in considerable costs savings. This is why banks are increasingly interested in this scenario. The European investment bank used Ethereum for a €100m bond in April 2021.


Coinbase receives a licence from German regulator BAFIN

Germany passed a new law in November 2019, demanding a licence for custody services in the crypto market. Now, Coinbase has received the first such licence, allowing the company to keep operating in the country.

BAFIN Press Release (in German)


Russia testing digital ruble with 12 banks

Both in China and in Russia, authorities are in step-by-step processes to test digital currencies. In Russia a current test involves 12 banks, one motivation is to check whether the banking systems can handle the move to digital.


Open Call #1: Slides and video recording of the webinar

Open Call #1: Slides and video recording of the webinar

Below please find a video recording and – as a separate file – the presentation used in the webinar. The goal was to inform participants in the call about important aspects. The topics covered ranged from how to apply to what TruBlo offers in terms of support for selected projects. The event took place on February 24, 2021.

Video Recording


[embeddoc url=”https://www.trublo.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/20210225-TruBloCall1-InfoWebinar.pptx” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

Get in touch

We understand that even though there are documents and this presentation some questions might still be open. In such cases: Get in touch via e-mail or Twitter or LinkedIn, there are different ways. We will get back to you and aim to support your application.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


Webinar: How to Apply to the TruBlo Open Call #1

Webinar: How to Apply to the TruBlo Open Call #1

The TruBlo webinar on 26 February at 10:00 CET provides information about the TruBlo Open Call No. 1 with presentations from TruBlo partners.

Questions we cover:

  • What is the scope, who can apply?
  • How to apply?
  • How will partner Alastria provide technical support with blockchain infrastructure?
  • How will partner ATC provide business support?

There is an opportunity for interested applicants to put their questions to the TruBlo team in a Q&A session following the presentations.

What is your idea or concept for the next-generation technology for distributed trust? If this is your area of work, why not consider an application? The TruBlo project is calling for researchers, innovators and developers from academia, startups, high tech companies or natural person(s).

  • A total budget of € 950.000 is available.
  • Opening date: 18 January 2021, 12:00 CET
  • Closing date: 19 March 2021, 17:00 CET

Contents of the webinar:

  • 10:00 Toni Paradell from Worldline and Mirko Lorenz from Deutsche Welle Introduction
  • 10:02 Antonis Litke from NTUA Objectives and Scientific challenges
  • 10:10 Violeta Vasileva from F6S The Open Call application
  • 10:22 Montse Guardia from Alastria TruBlo Technical Infrastructure
  • 10:32 Anna Triantafillou from ATC Technical, Business and Support Services
  • 10:40 Question & Answer Session
  • 11:00 End

Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1897848742122124815

Further details about TruBlo and Open Call #1 are provided here:

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash