TRUSTABLE CONTENT ON FUTURE BLOCKCHAINSVirtual Info Session: Funding Opportunities for the Blockchain community – TruBlo
In collaboration with Berlin Partner the TruBlo project will provide a one-hour info session for Open Call #3 on November 24, 2021.
Report: Energy Efficiency of Blockchain Technologies
A report looks into different approaches and makes recommendations. The focus is on the proof-of-work approach, which is used for Bitcoin mining.
TruBlo Newsletter #21
• European Data Protection against the use of private data for credit scores
• Booming demand for NFTs
•Jack Dorsey wants an exchange for digital currencies
Webinar: How to apply to the TruBlo Open Call #2
This video provides all the details needed to apply.
TruBlo Newsletter #20
• Quick links to all 10 funded projects from open call #1
• Neeva, a new search engine
• Coinbase gets a licence in Germany
TruBlo Newsletter #18
A weekly update about trust, content and blockchain.
Three use cases for timestamps: General benefits, use by media and to fight misinformation.
For NGI Forum 2021 WordProof joined us for a brief presentation. Here are the slides.
TruBlo Newsletter #17
• Google kept tracking user location
• Apple & privacy – two stories
• Fascinating digitally rendered images
• Digital Currency Initiative at MIT
TruBlo Newsletter #16: Governments in US, Russian and India putting pressure on social networks. Plus: Updates on Bitcoin energy use
Our weekly newsletter covering trust, content and blockchain.
Interview: How WordProof got started
Who is behind WordProof? How was the company started? How will timestamps make the internet more trustable? An interview with Sebastiaan van der Lans, founder and CEO of WordProof
TruBlo Newsletter #15: 96% of iPhone users opt-out of tracking • Fake reviews scam on Amazon exposed • Why Govcoins could transform banking
Our weekly update around the topics of trust, content and blockchain.
WordProof: How timestamps for content enable a trustable web
A startup from Amsterdam provides a user-friendly plugin to enable timestamps for content. This simple addition could lead to many benefits – for content owners, users and better search results.
Weekly newsletter - subscribe now
Every week we publish a short, informative newsletter via e-mail. The goal is to provide a quick overview of relevant news and trends. Focus topics are blockchain, trustable content and social networks.